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Read Series: Maggie O'Dell

by Author Alex Kava


The Soul Catcher (2003)

"When a Massachusetts standoff results in the deaths of five out of six young cult members holed up in a backwoods cabin, things are bad enough. But when a U.S. senators daughter is found murdered in Washington, D.C."and her death seems to be related to the cult and its charismatic leader, Rev. J...

The Soul Catcher (2003) by Alex Kava

At the Stroke of Madness (2003)

4 STARS"In the tomblike silence of an abandoned rock quarry, someone is trying to hide their dirty little secret. A secret that reveals the depths of human depravity. A secret that is about to be discovered. When FBI Special Agent Maggie O'Dell receives a call from Sheriff Henry Watermeier of New...

At the Stroke of Madness (2003) by Alex Kava

A Necessary Evil (2007)

Best read in this series to date. The fifth Maggie O'Dell from author Alex Kava in, "A Necessary Evil", was nice rebound from previous two books that were mediocre. This book reads much faster, and it's plot is built far better than what author Alex Kava had previously done with series. Finally s...

A Necessary Evil (2007) by Alex Kava

A Perfect Evil (2006)

I finished 5 chapters. Then I said profane things for a while because I am disappointed that yet another book with good reviews, turned out to be such a cop out. Where do I even begin? Oh yes, the beginning. There we are, getting introduced to a man who raped and killed a little boy and is about ...

A Perfect Evil (2006) by Alex Kava

Vuurzee (2013)

My perspective on this novel is probably skewed by reading it after the rich mysteries by Stieg Larsson. Kava's book pales by comparison.Character development seemed jagged to me, with some characters occasionally inserted for no obvious reason. For example, why did the psychiatrist even need to ...

Vuurzee (2013) by Alex Kava

Schrikdraad (2011)

Hotwire had a great deal of potential. It just seemed that too many scenarios were not developed to their full potential. The teens were cardboard cutouts. I didn't feel anything for the ones that died. One teen should have gotten her comeuppants but we never see that happen. She is an evil bitch...

Schrikdraad (2011) by Alex Kava